Lisa Stead
Lisa Stead’s interest in art started at a very early age. She studied visual arts, graphic design and photography at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. She was the owner of her own photography business before returning to painting full-time. She credits all her creative endeavours as catalysts in shaping her art practice and building strong foundations for striking compositions in her paintings. Lisa is a full-time abstract artist working predominantly with a mix of acrylics and mixed media. Most of her original works are non-objective, abstract statements but Lisa enjoys stretching her artistic vision into other categories and also creates abstracted landscapes. Within the multiple layers of elements, the viewer is presented with a bold and graphic composition, however at a closer view, is entranced by the detailed movement and flow of all the components.
“I am inspired by nature’s elements of earth, water and air and their harmonious flow. I combine, colour, form and gestural markings to convert the story of each and build upon them within the many layers. Nature has a natural production of repetition and spontaneous characteristics that I work to emulate in my paintings. I use mixed media to capture the texture and detail found in natural settings. My process is deeply intuitive with an unrestricted approach so emotion and energy can happen voluntarily. For me, a painting is complete when I feel harmony and balance within the chaotic composition.”