Linda Barber

Linda Barber is a painter who has been living and painting in the County for over three decades.  Trained in Fine Arts at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick, Linda's preferred medium is acrylic paint. Linda has embraced acrylics for their versatility and bold expression of colour allowing her to skilfully wield a palette knife, granting her creations an added layer of depth and texture. Her portfolio predominantly features evocative landscapes, waterscapes, and birds.

Her canvases transport viewers to a variety of locales. Linda's dedication to her craft often propels her outdoors to paint 'en plein air.' Her mission is to immortalize the transience of changing light on her canvas.

In Linda's words, her creations beckon the viewer to step into the tableau, forging a personal connection or rekindling cherished memories, and her creations are a testament to the vivid and heartfelt stories she weaves on canvas.

 Through Linda's artistry, a bridge is built between the observer and the artwork, inviting them to partake in an emotional dialogue, a communion with the essence of the painting itself.

“My hope is that my paintings will offer viewers a moment of respite from the hectic pace of life and remind them of the beauty and serenity that can be found in the natural world.”