Art Submissions

County Creative Gallery will only accept artist submissions via email that follow the submission guidelines below. We DO NOT accept walk-in submissions or social media submissions.

Please respect the gallery's time by following our submission requirements. Again, walk-in submissions will be refused.

Before submitting your work for consideration in the gallery please visit our website and social media and review the work of our artists. If you then believe your work is a good fit with us, please send us a submission that includes the following:

·      “Artist Application” in the subject line of your email

·      Your artist CV and artist statement in word doc format

·      4-8 images of your work, with sizes and prices

·      Links to your professional social media and website

In addition to the above, please include information on galleries you are currently working with, the medium your work is in, and a few sentences as to why you believe your work is a fit for Prince Edward County.

Thank you for your interest in County Creative Gallery. Please note due to the volume of submissions we receive, we are unable to reply to all emails. We will contact selected artists for a possible gallery visit or online meeting. 

Email submissions to

Lori Meeboer