Julia Veenstra

Julia Veenstra is a renowned Canadian artist and entrepreneur known for her lively composition and vibrant use of colour. Having lived in various countries throughout her life, Julia incorporates diverse influences into her impressionistic and representational style—it’s no surprise, then, that her work is found in collections across the globe. She chooses acrylic as her medium of expression due to its immediacy and the ability to create bright and vivid colours.

 “We all have a moment in time that comforts and reassures us when remembered. A smell that transports us back in time, stirring up emotions of all kinds. I am attracted to those moments that create comfort, those scents that cause a rush of deep memories. As a child, I would dream of home and security, observing the world around me on walks through different neighbourhoods. These moments shaped my understanding of wholeness and peace, both real and imagined.”